The amusing events and warm memories of my life make me smile, splattering my thoughts with rays of sunshine. Our Promised Land with its trials and tribulations I, my parents, and family experienced often caused us anxious moments. Sometimes only by laughing at ourselves were we able to realize some tranquility.
Each member of our family was curious, hard working, and strived for a better life. We lived on the brink of many new discoveries during our time. Not always for the better, but, with good intentions, old ideas were eventually dropped and new ways of doing things slowly emerged.
How amazing it is for me to compare my early walks or ride on a wagon with flying to Machu Picchu. Yet my grandchildren live in a world of miracle drugs, space age travel, incredible communication devices, and mind boggling computers. And they are hopefully looking for new horizons as did their ancestors.
I am proud of my heritage and confident that its future will be bright.
1. Atlantic
Other Chapters
2. Silica
3. Oil City
4. Boat Trip
5. Chris's Home
6. Hubbard Lake
7. Hunting and Fishing
8. Our Farm
9. Schools
10. The Depression and the 30's
11. Michigan State University
12. Jobs
13. Our Home
14. Boating
15. Trips
16. The Tropics
17. With The Kids
18. It Is Written
Next - - - Epilogue
Thayer Letter
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